Mental Health and Spring Cleaning
Spring is in the air! For those of us who are Louisiana residents, we’ve enjoyed Spring a little bit longer than other parts of the country. Here at the PTI, we’re ready to roll up our sleeves and do some Spring cleaning. It’s not that we’ve let the cobwebs go throughout the winter, but we’re ready to partner with you to move forward into a productive and abundant rest of the year.
Whether the winter has been difficult or not is in the past and now it’s time to move forward. Each day counts for its own and each of us has the ability to exert a great influence on the next chapter of our lives.
As part of the renewal of Spring, we want to remind each other that we are powerful people and we have the power to make positive changes within our own lives. That’s a message not often communicated towards those who suffer from Post Traumatic Stress, depression, anxiety, or other forms of mental illness. At PTI we’re interested in joining people on the road to progress and recovery, empowering them to make meaningful strides towards a better life.
One of the best ways to exert that power is through practicing what we call “coping skills.” These are things which we make part of our daily or weekly practice to help build positivity and enjoyment in our lives rather than to simply “let things run their course.” Now that the weather is warmer, here’s some ideas on how to move forward and shake off the cobwebs.
Spring Cleaning For Mental Health
- Clean and organize! Spring cleaning helps to emphasize transition from the past to the future. Make room for something new in your life. Have you wanted to get back into art, drawing, or writing? Clear out a space for a creativity station so that you can begin ASAP! Simply reorganizing the layout of your living space can help spur some thoughts on paring down the clutter, both literally and symbolically.
- Take a weekly walk in a park and start a nature journal. Record your observations about a “favorite spot” as Spring progresses and the first few flowers rise up and die while other new foliage and late bloomers begin to show the first signs of life. Being more in tune with the natural world around you can foster a sense of connection with your local community and environment.
- Start a new hobby, whether it’s art, photography, yoga, exercise, wood carving, or something else. Not sure what to do? Visit a local hobby store or Walmart and peruse the aisles for ideas. If something strikes you, spend a little time researching so that you know what you’re getting into and then do it.
- Make a list of what’s gone well for the winter since the New Year and things you would like to improve on. Try to prioritize the top things for each category and make a balanced list. It’s easy to just focus on things that are wrong with a situation or “what’s wrong with me.” It’s a hard skill to have to give yourself credit for the positives. Make room for positivity in your life because the world needs more positivity.
- Connect with someone. It could be an old friend you haven’t seen or spoken to in a while or checking out a new community group. Have you wanted to be part of a sailing club? Chances are there’s one nearby that always needs a few extra hands. Volunteer with a local animal shelter and take a dog on a walk. Community and connection helps with anxiety, depression, and mental illness in general much more than we realize. Start small and you’ll be surprised where you end up.
At the PTI, we are always ready to help and practice a high level of professionalism towards anyone and everyone who walks through our doors. Most mental health services, including screening, treatment, and medication management can be done in house so you don’t have to go all over town. If you or a loved one in the Covington or Baton Rouge area is suffering from mental illness, including anxiety, depression, or PTSD, please don’t hesitate to give us a call today.